Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How do we use our voices, our time and our talents?

We live in a time when so many things are controversial. Everyone has an opinion on how people should live, what we should be doing in the world, how you should believe, and it goes on and on. My views are probably very irrelevant to where you may stand in your life. I could spew all day an “opinion”, but my passion as I age is more about the heart of each person, the motive and the basis  or agenda concerning positions held.

For instance, one place I hold deeply in my heart is concerning human trafficking and slavery. I don’t know a person in realm of my friendships and relationships who look over any period in history and doesn’t hate those places where human life and the value of it have been so demeaned. For those who dwell on it, or bitter over those times, I hope your energy and time is now spent in places which continue to fight these issues. We need passion greater today, than ever before in history.

One organization I support is the A21 Campaign. According to their website (http://www.thea21campaign.org) “There are more slaves in the world today than at any other point in human history, with an estimated 27 million in bondage across the globe. Men, women, and children are being exploited for manual and sexual labor against their will.”  I have a great deal of respect for them because they don’t just bring awareness to this international problem, but there is a working plan and process in place.  There is prevention, protection, prosecution and partnership.

You have probably heard many times, Hollywood elite, authors, business owners, etc,  who have the privilege of a soapbox and influence of those who listen to them. When I hear complaining and so much negativity about issues and progress of the world, my prayer and hope is they are investing their own money and time to help be part of solution, not just talk about the problems. Inciting people to anger but not to change definitely doesn't benefit our world!

I know you may have a passions for a specific change in our world today concerning many different issues whether personal or global. How do you use your voice, time or talents? It may appear to seem small but whether it is your family, our community (from neighborhood to city), our state, country and world, if you are passionate and persistent you can make changes. Collectively, we can make even greater changes.

What is your passion? How do you use your voice?

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