Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Power of Touch

Many people have seen this famous picture of a twin hugging her other twin. If you don’t know the story behind the picture it not only shows the power of a hug, but literally changed medical process in many hospitals.  This is a true picture of Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, who were born 12 weeks prematurely on October 17, 1995.  Check out this short video of the story. I forewarn you, get your tissue ready!

This was powerful to me, because hugging and touching is not really natural to me. My immediate family was not that way when I was growing up and I wish I could say it was easier for me. I truly believe that is one of the many reason Matthew came into my life the way he did. Matthew is very loving and close and quite the hugger. Through that relationship it has made me more purposeful in being closer. Now, some who read this are probably laughing because this is easy for many people! I can say I am very grateful to those who “push through” with me. Those huggin’ friends who don’t even ask, they just hug me anyway! The power of touch in my own life has brought me to tears and at times broke something within me which impacted different parts of my life. It can make a difference. If you are a hugger, keep on hugging! You don’t know what your touch might be to someone who just needs it today.

We know, there is power in the touch. We know it can be life changing. 
Mark 5:25-34, 

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